Beautiful, Sustainable Building Design

Thornleigh Passivhaus – 5 years on!

Posted by admin on 18/03/2025 at 8:00 pm

Lessons from Living in Sydney’s First Certified Passivhaus

One of the delightful things about our projects is that clients rarely sell them; we take it as a huge complement! It is also incredibly helpful as we get to understand how the buildings perform over time.

Many of you know that we are constantly monitoring building performance (thank you to those who have hosted our sensors over the years) but if you think our dedication to data is good, meet Matthew, one of the owners of the Thornleigh house….

Matthew is a scientist by day and a data nerd* always. (*We say this with the utmost respect as we’re total nerds when it comes to these things too!) He has been monitoring the performance of their home for over a decade now. That includes the original home that occupied the lot, the data for that can be seen below. Note how little time their home spent inside the 20-25ºC comfort band.Matthew has been keeping a monthly blog (here) since moving in to their Certified Passivhaus home during 2019. His latest one is 5 year retrospective, you can read it here. Spoiler Alert: The very short version is that the house works really well!

A big thanks from us to Matthew for logging the data and reporting on it so consistently.

New house data below:

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