Beautiful, Sustainable Building Design

My Efficient Electric Home Handbook GIVEAWAY!

Posted by admin on 01/07/2024 at 10:43 am

At Envirotecture, we’re strong advocates for buildings that are more efficient, and all-electric. (As this leads to them being more comfortable and healthier too).

Since the Zero Carbon Buildings Plan was released in 2011, we stopped specifying gas services/appliances wherever possible.

Natural Gas was initially marketed as an ideal transition-fuel, “clean & cheap” heating (no more burning wood in our homes with smoke and soot!) in the move to more renewable sources of energy. However, gas is a non-renewable resource, increasing carbon-emissions by burning this fossil fuel, while producing toxic pollutants in our homes. It was time to shift to efficient “all-electric” homes. Reverse-cycle AC units that can heat and cool, induction cooktops, and Heat-Pump Hot Water became the new norm – and powered with Solar PV (or 100% certified Greenpower) meant these were smarter choices for services/appliances. It is also worth remembering that there are not unlimited supplies of gas to extract from our earth, and the the predictions are that we’re close to “peak gas” and as supply drops, prices will only continue to rise ever more steeply.

We are so grateful that there is much more widespread acknowledgment of these issues, as the rest of the industry catches up!

Renew released its free “Getting off Gas” toolkit last year which is a helpful online resource for those wanting to learn more.

The “My Efficient Electric Home (MEEH)” facebook group has had exponential growth since it first started and currently has over 120,000 members across Australia. It was started by Tim Forcey in 2015, to help people understand that a reverse-cycle air-conditioner is the most efficient form of heating and not gas (once you have your “fabric first” approach of an improved thermal envelope with appropriate insulation and draft-sealing). It has evolved over time, and is now a  searchable database full of supportive folk there to help each other. Our director Talina is one of the admin experts of the group.

Tim Forcey has now released a handbook of the same name, and Talina recently caught up with him at one of his book launch events in Ballarat.

The blurb entices the reader:

Do you want to …
• Make your home healthier and more comfortable in all seasons?
• Shrink your home’s total energy costs?
• Make your gas bill disappear completely?
• Reduce your climate and environmental impacts?
• Make the change to renewable energy by going ‘all electric’?

My Efficient Electric Home Handbook is an essential first-of-its kind resource for homeowners and renters. It provides tips and strategies on how to convert your home into an efficient, healthy and comfortable space suitable for our all-electric future. Sharing insights from working with thousands of Australians in their homes, as well as from hands-on experience modifying his own home, Tim Forcey explains best-practice heating and cooling, hot water heat pumps, induction cooktops, draught-proofing, insulation, solar energy and much more.

It’s an affordable and handy resource – especially for those undetaking small retrofit works on their own (without using the services of an architect). We do offer Sustainability Consultations to assist with navigating all of this for homeowners too (whether it’s a “Desktop Review” of existing/proposed plans, or a “Site Review” to visit your home in person, we can help get your priorities in order and advise which improvements will make the most sense for your situation.


  • If you would like to WIN a copy of MEEH handbook, signed by the Author Tim Forcey, we have FIVE COPIES to give away.
    Sign up to Envirotecture’s seasonal NEWSLETTER now to be in the draw.
    Entries close Sunday 14th July at midnight.
    We’ll do a random draw on Monday 15th July and will let the lucky winners know by email. Goodluck!
    (Only open to Australian residents, as we’ll be posting the book to you. Names will be drawn randomly from the list of new subscribers.)


Join the Conversation on the My Efficient Electric Home – Facebook Group

Purchase a copy of My Efficient Electric Home here 

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