Beautiful, Sustainable Building Design

Evitat FREE Webinar – Book NOW!

Posted by admin on 20/06/2024 at 11:02 am

Healthy homes made simple – Learn from the Passive House Design Experts.






What are the best choices for your home so that it not only performs and looks beautiful but also supports your family’s long-term health and wellbeing?

What does sustainable, healthy design look like? Does it look good? Or aim to BE and FEEL good? What do the experts say about:

  • improving the indoor air quality for occupant’s physical health?
  • improving occupant comfort?
  • improving mental wellbeing?
  • making better decisions that also contribute to a healthier planet (along with lower C02 emissions and responsible-sourcing of materials)?

As we move more indoors for the colder months, join us for our next online session, a deep dive into the practicalities of the Healthy Home, where we are extremely lucky to be joined by Talina Edwards and Andy Marlow from longtime visionary architecture practice Envirotecture . For more than three decades Envirotecture have been committed to creating net-zero homes that are equitable, affordable, and conducive to a healthy lifestyle while shaping a future where sustainable homes are accessible to all.

This session will give you the building blocks to understand healthy sustainable design fundamentals that:

  • create beautiful spaces for your family, bringing form and function together
  • control humidity and temperature, for maximum comfort
  • maximize natural daylighting and ventilation
  • minimize sources of indoor pollutants by choice of natural building materials
  • reflect the way your family lives now
  • adapts to the changing needs of your family as you grow and change
  • have ‘’localness’, responding to the nature of your building site, and its surroundings
  • Ultimately create healthy, safe places for you to live, work and play
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Sustainable House Design

We will help you create a family home that works well, feels good, is kind to the environment, culturally appropriate and reduces your energy and running costs.

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Sustainable Commercial Buildings

We design your building to help reduce your operating costs, optimize the life cycle of your building, increase your property value and increase employee productivity.

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Working with Envirotecture

We design beautiful, sustainable buildings that work for you, your family or your business. Full range of building design, consulting and training services.

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