Beautiful, Sustainable Building Design

Pecha Kucha Passivhaus Event – MELBOURNE

Posted by admin on 15/08/2024 at 5:13 pm

Envirotecture are presenting at Pecha Kucha Passivhaus Event – MELBOURNE.

We are proud that two of our talented graduate architects and Certified Passivhaus Designers, Shaily Shah and Mia Carmen Radic, will be presenting on stage at the upcoming Pecha Kucha event series hosted by the Australian Passivhaus Association, where they will share insights from their experiences designing many Passivhaus homes.

When: August 22nd, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Mia and Shaily are excited to present alongside a fantastic lineup of speakers, including:

  • Kieran Leong – Exploring the wins and compromises of envelope performance
  • Cameron Munro – Detailing Passivhaus CLT projects
  • Alex Slater – Passivhaus for the faint-hearted
  • Elena C. – Mandating IAQ Monitoring
  • STUDIOFANG Architecture + Design – Rosanna SIP Construction Project

For more details about the APA Pecha Kucha event,click here. (But we’ve heard a rumour that it is very close to being sold out so if you want tickets get in quick!)
We hope to see you there!

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